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L.S.D. - The Lighter Shade Of Darkeness CD [Demo]
L.S.D. - The Lighter Shade Of Darkeness CD [Demo]
1. Its All Good
2. As Yet Unknown ft. MC O.T.
3. The Silver Lining
4. I'm Bad
Another new commer to me is L.S.D. which is short for The Lighter Shade Of Darkeness, not lysergic acid diethylamide. Here we have a quick four track CD-R which acts as an introduction to this artist. The CD kicks off with Its All Good, a down beat and melancolic ofering which opens with production that sounds like he has composed this on instruments rather than basing it around samples. When LSD busts forth with his lyrics he is refreshingly clear with his diction, possibly a situation that is enhanced by the slow tempo and clean nature of the piano and bass. Adding to the gloomy feeling is the female sung chorus which gives a sort of Massive Attack feel, but as stated the track is lifted with LSD's raps which are clear and as popularied by Eminem on tracks like Stan the intonation, volume and intensity in his voice varies greatly only addng to the depth and feeling in the track.

The following As Yet Unknown gets going with a much harder beat and is accompanied with a distorted guitar riff. Another head MC O.T. features on this track and kicks it off with his faster and semi dancehall influenced chat. In comparison you can see a touch of American influence in LSD's accent, but towards the end of each verse this seems to drop off. The female vocals return for the chorus which has a very contrasting and more relaxing echoed guitar riff, and whils the change is nice, for my personal taste I might have preferred this throughout the track rather than the distorted guitar we are offered.

The Silver Lining gets going with an accousting guitar which allows LSD to display his skills virtually accapella stylee bbefore the rest of the beat kicks in. This tracks has a folky feel as LSD spends a fair proportion of the time singing in his own semi depressing manner. What we are hearing here is a comming together of Eminem and more indie influences, something which is probably more unique to the geographical area it was created in and could well appeal to the student population.

The final track I'm Bad is probably the most straight up Hip Hop soundng, but due ti the xylophone and lyrics this is on a very much humerous tip, especially during the jokily sung chorus which is just pure laughs with its sexy references and tall tales of experiences whilst under the influence of drugs.

Overall this is quite a different offing from an individual who is treading his own path and creating his own sound. Not all of this is quite to my taste, but the dude certainly has some skills and ideas and if he keeps putting in the work could make an unexpected breakthrough.

Contact L.S.D. at: [email protected]

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1995- 2000
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